198 N. Washington Avenue, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 | 201-387-4055

Coronavirus Information

Updates on the impact of the COVID-19 / 2019 Novel Coronavirus ("Coronavirus Disease") upon the Bergenfield community, and the actions the Borough is taking

Daily Update 4/7/20

Bergenfield OEM
COVID-19 UPDATE 4/7/20 3:30pm

Total cases = 395; New cases in last 24 hours = 22
Total deaths = 7; Total deaths in last 24 hours = 1

  1. BULK pickup is cancelled for April. Next bulk pickup is July.
  2. ALL parks closed.
  3. Overnight Parking restrictions remain suspended until April 19th.
  4. Boro Hall open 10am-2pm by appointment only.
  5. Bergenfield Health Dept. monitoring all reported cases of COVID-19 by identifying all places visited and individuals they came in contact with to make sure appropriate measures are taken per CDC and NJDOH guidelines.
  6. Bergenfield OEM's Emergency Operations Center remains open daily.

FEMA Webinars

Managing the Emotional Consequences of Public Health Emergencies

Tuesday, April 7, 2020 from 1 PM – 2 PM ET Please join the Region II National Preparedness Division for a webinar on managing the emotional consequences of public health emergencies. Learn about the unique aspects of management and response required to effectively address the mental and emotional effects of emergencies. Guest speaker, Steve Crimando, MA, CHPP, CTM, director of training for the Disaster and Terrorism Branch, New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, will lead the discussion and provide resources.

Link to register: https://icpd.adobeconnect.com/r2_phep/event/registration.html


Continuity: Why You Should Care and How We Can Help?

Thursday, April 9, 2020 from 12 PM – 1 PM ET Please join us to learn how FEMA National Continuity Programs can help you and your organization prepare to create a more resilient nation equipped to sustain essential functions and deliver critical services under all conditions. Continuity ensures the whole community plans for ways to provide essential services and conduct activities when normal operations are disrupted. Emma Poon, Regional and Stakeholders Branch Chief, FEMA National Continuity Programs Plans, Policy, and Evaluations Division will be the guest speaker.

Link to register: https://icpd.adobeconnect.com/r2continuityhelp/event/registration.html


Protect and Manage Your Finances During Covid-19

Wednesday, April 15, 2020 from 12 PM - 1 PM ET Please join the Region II National Preparedness Division for a presentation from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Federal, state, and local governments are working to respond to the growing public health threat of coronavirus, or COVID-19. The CFPB and other financial regulators have encouraged financial institutions to work with their customers to meet their community needs. Learn about how the CFPB is providing consumers with up-to-date information and resources to protect and manage their finances as the situation evolves during this difficult time.

Link to register: https://icpd.adobeconnect.com/r2emergencyfundreg/event/registration.html

Small Business Tele-Town Hall

The Office of Senator Menendez would like to invite you and your Chamber members to our Small Business Tele-Town Hall, where the Senator will discuss how small businesses can benefit from the CARES Act, the coronavirus stimulus package. The Senator was heavily involved in negotiations of this new bill, and he would love to talk to New Jersey’s small business owners about what he was able to secure for them. The Town Hall will take place from 5:30PM-6:30PM through Zoom on Wednesday, April 8, 2020. The Senator will discuss details of what resources are available to your small business during this difficult time. Attendees may register and submit questions here: https://www.menendez.senate.gov/SMALL-BIZ-COVID-TELEFORUM Questions will be accepted until Sunday at noon. Our Facebook event is available here and we welcome you to share that as well.

Below is the information regarding Zoom:
When: Apr 8, 2020 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Tele-Town Hall with New Jersey Small Business Owners
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Or iPhone one-tap: US +16465588656,,237905163# or +13126266799,,237905163#
Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location). US +1 646 558 8656 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 720 707 2699 or +1 253 215 8782. Webinar ID: 237 905 163. CLICK HERE for available International numbers. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jillian Berkowitz, Outreach Specialist, U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at or at 973-885-5400.

Daily Update 4/6/20

Bergenfield OEM
COVID-19 UPDATE 4/6/20 5:30pm

Total cases = 373; New cases in last 24 hours = 22
Total deaths = 6; Total deaths in last 24 hours = 1

  1. BULK pickup is cancelled for April. Next bulk pickup is July.
  2. ALL parks closed.
  3. Overnight Parking restrictions remain suspended until April 19th.
  4. Boro Hall open 10am-2pm by appointment only.
  5. Bergenfield Health Dept. monitoring all reported cases of COVID-19 by identifying all places visited and individuals they came in contact with to make sure appropriate measures are taken per CDC and NJDOH guidelines.
  6. Bergenfield OEM's Emergency Operations Center remains open daily.

Daily Update 4/5/20

Bergenfield OEM
COVID-19 UPDATE 4/5/20 3:30pm

Total cases = 351; New cases in last 24 hours = 30
Total deaths = 5; Total deaths in last 24 hours = 0

  1. ALL parks closed.
  2. Overnight Parking restrictions remain suspended until April 19th.
  3. Boro Hall open 10am-2pm by appointment only.
  4. Bergenfield Health Dept. monitoring all reported cases of COVID-19 by identifying all places visited and individuals they came in contact with to make sure appropriate measures are taken per CDC and NJDOH guidelines.
  5. Bergenfield OEM's Emergency Operations Center remains open daily.

Daily Update 4/4/20

Bergenfield OEM
COVID-19 UPDATE 4/4/20 2:30pm

Total cases = 321; New cases in last 24 hours = 45
Total deaths = 5; Total deaths in last 24 hours = 1

  1. ALL parks closed.
  2. Overnight Parking restrictions remain suspended until April 19th.
  3. Boro Hall open 10am-2pm by appointment only.
  4. Bergenfield Health Dept. monitoring all reported cases of COVID-19 by identifying all places visited and individuals they came in contact with to make sure appropriate measures are taken per CDC and NJDOH guidelines.
  5. Bergenfield OEM's Emergency Operations Center remains open daily.

Daily Update 4/3/20

Bergenfield OEM
COVID-19 UPDATE 4/3/20 4:00pm

Total cases = 276; New cases in last 24 hours = 41
Total deaths = 4; Total deaths in last 24 hours = 0

  1. ALL parks closed.
  2. Overnight Parking restrictions remain suspended until April 19th.
  3. Bergenfield Volunteer Ambulance Corps has scheduled additional crews to handle increased call volume.
  4. Boro Hall open 10am-2pm by appointment only.
  5. Bergenfield Health Dept. monitoring all reported cases of COVID-19 by identifying all places visited and individuals they came in contact with to make sure appropriate measures are taken per CDC and NJDOH guidelines.
  6. Bergenfield OEM's Emergency Operations Center remains open daily.

Daily Update 4/2/20

Bergenfield OEM
COVID-19 UPDATE 4/2/20 3:00pm

Total cases = 235; New cases in last 24 hours = 32
Total deaths = 4; Total deaths in last 24 hours = 1

  1. ALL parks closed (including Cooper's Pond & BHS track).
  2. Overnight Parking restrictions remain suspended until April 19th.
  3. Bergenfield Volunteer Ambulance Corps has scheduled additional crews to handle increased call volume.
  4. Boro Hall open 10am-2pm by appointment only.
  5. Bergenfield Health Dept. monitoring all reported cases of COVID-19 by identifying all places visited and individuals they came in contact with to make sure appropriate measures are taken per CDC and NJDOH guidelines.
  6. Bergenfield OEM's Emergency Operations Center remains open daily.

Daily update PM 4/1/20

Bergenfield OEM
COVID-19 UPDATE 4/1/20 3:00PM

Total cases = 203; New cases in last 24 hours = 25
Total deaths = 3; Total deaths in last 24 hours = 0

  1. ALL parks closed (including Cooper's Pond & BHS track).
  2. Overnight Parking restrictions remain suspended until April 19th.
  3. Bergenfield Volunteer Ambulance Corps has scheduled additional crews to handle increased call volume.
  4. Boro Hall open 10am-2pm by appointment only.
  5. Bergenfield Health Dept. monitoring all reported cases of COVID-19 by identifying all places visited and individuals they came in contact with to make sure appropriate measures are taken per CDC and NJDOH guidelines.
  6. Bergenfield Municipal Court has been suspended for the month of April.
  7. Bergenfield OEM's Emergency Operations Center remains open daily.